Malpensa Insiders

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    Norimberga, possibile volo per NY?


    Messaggi : 6204
    Data d'iscrizione : 02.03.19
    Località : Mediolanum

    Norimberga, possibile volo per NY?  Empty Norimberga, possibile volo per NY?

    Messaggio Da I-TIGI 21.07.22 17:48

    Route Opportunity: Nuremberg-New York
    Routes and ASM take a look at the case for Nuremburg-New York as the German airport looks to secure a first nonstop service to the US.

    Nuremberg (NUE) is among the latest airports to use Routes 360’s Route Opportunities platform, outlining seven unserved markets that offer the biggest potential for carriers.

    Alongside short-haul European cities like Milan, Madrid and Stockholm, the airport is also seeking to attract transatlantic flights to North America and has identified New York as the top unserved destination in the US.

    Although Nuremberg is the second largest city in the state of Bavaria with a population of more than 500,000 inhabitants, it remains without US service as airlines focus their attention on nearby Lufthansa hubs in Frankfurt and Munich and the opportunities for transit traffic provided by the Star Alliance member.

      La data/ora di oggi è 12.09.24 2:26