Malpensa Insiders

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    Qatar Airways 2020


    Messaggi : 790
    Data d'iscrizione : 22.03.19

    Qatar Airways 2020 - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Qatar Airways 2020

    Messaggio Da malpensante 25.10.20 0:28 quantità di soldi che possono ancora permettersi di spendere.

    Messaggi : 6204
    Data d'iscrizione : 02.03.19
    Località : Mediolanum

    Qatar Airways 2020 - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Qatar Airways 2020

    Messaggio Da I-TIGI 26.10.20 14:26

    Accordo di code share (pur essendo di due alleanze diverse) tra Air Canada e Qatar Airways (la quale ha per ora esaurito i suoi diritti) la quale apre a sorpresa un volo da Toronto a Doha:

    Qatar Airways 2020 - Pagina 2 59bc7910

    Messaggi : 3912
    Data d'iscrizione : 02.03.19
    Località : Catchment Area di MXP

    Qatar Airways 2020 - Pagina 2 Empty Qatar Airw TEMP

    Messaggio Da FlyIce 26.10.20 14:35

    I-TIGI ha scritto:Accordo di code share (pur essendo di due alleanze diverse) tra Air Canada e Qatar Airways (la quale ha per ora esaurito i suoi diritti) la quale apre a sorpresa un volo da Toronto a Doha:
    QR non ha mai avuto i diritti di volo per Toronto: ha operato solo provvisoriamente.
    I diritti di traffico per QR sono su Montreal e c'era già un forte collaborazione con AC per portare i passeggeri da Torornto a Montreal.

    Questo codeshare segna la fine di una "guerra" non dichiarata tra QR e AC, che in passato aveva fatto registrare anche toni accesi.

    Messaggi : 790
    Data d'iscrizione : 22.03.19

    Qatar Airways 2020 - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Qatar Airways 2020

    Messaggio Da malpensante 26.10.20 14:36

    Qatar finora ha volato solo a Montreal.

    Messaggi : 3912
    Data d'iscrizione : 02.03.19
    Località : Catchment Area di MXP

    Qatar Airways 2020 - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Qatar Airways 2020

    Messaggio Da FlyIce 26.10.20 14:37

    malpensante ha scritto:Qatar finora ha volato solo a Montreal.
    No, post-Covid ha volato temporaneamente su Toronto.
    E' riportato nell'articolo citato da TIGI.

    Qui il link diretto:

    Messaggi : 6204
    Data d'iscrizione : 02.03.19
    Località : Mediolanum

    Qatar Airways 2020 - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Qatar Airways 2020

    Messaggio Da I-TIGI 26.10.20 15:16

    Qatar Airways has been wanting to expand in Canada for quite a while, but Canada has protectionist policies towards Air Canada. The bilateral aviation agreement between Canada and Qatar only allows Qatar Airways to operate up to four weekly flights, and the airline chooses to fly to Montreal. However, we know that Qatar Airways also wants to fly to Toronto and Vancouver.
    Qatar decise di utilizzare i diritti su Montreal ma se li voleva poteva utilizzarli su Toronto.
    Di fatto la info importante e’ l’accordo tra i due vettori e QR ricevera’ ulteriori diritti ed intanto altro avvicinamento tra Oneworld e Star Alliance partners.

    Messaggi : 790
    Data d'iscrizione : 22.03.19

    Qatar Airways 2020 - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Qatar Airways 2020

    Messaggio Da malpensante 27.10.20 19:48

    FlyIce ha scritto:
    malpensante ha scritto:Qatar finora ha volato solo a Montreal.
    No, post-Covid ha volato temporaneamente su Toronto.
    E' riportato nell'articolo citato da TIGI.

    Qui il link diretto:
    Appunto, finora ha fatto voli di linea solo per Montreal.

    "this is the first time that Qatar Airways will operate scheduled passenger flights between Doha and Toronto"

    Messaggi : 3912
    Data d'iscrizione : 02.03.19
    Località : Catchment Area di MXP

    Qatar Airways 2020 - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Qatar Airways 2020

    Messaggio Da FlyIce 05.11.20 10:08

    Un'importante novità nella flotta Qatar: i 787-9 sono entrati in servizio.
    La loro consegna era stata molto controversa, con ritardi molto lunghi e il curioso volo andata e ritorno USA-Doha, terminato con un lungo storage a Victorville (California).

    Non detto nell'articolo, dai numeri di volo, sembra che i voli non siano passeggeri, ma cargo, precedentemente operati da 777-300ER:
    04 Nov 2020 London (LHR) Doha (DOH) QR8859
    04 Nov 2020 Doha (DOH) London (LHR) QR8858
    03 Nov 2020 Dublin (DUB) Doha (DOH) QR8865
    03 Nov 2020 London (LHR) Dublin (DUB) QR8865
    03 Nov 2020 Doha (DOH) London (LHR) QR8864
    02 Nov 2020 Brussels (BRU) Doha (DOH) QR8195
    02 Nov 2020 Doha (DOH) Brussels (BRU) QR8194

    Messaggi : 3912
    Data d'iscrizione : 02.03.19
    Località : Catchment Area di MXP

    Qatar Airways 2020 - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Qatar Airways 2020

    Messaggio Da FlyIce 01.12.20 14:33

    Un interessante articolo su stato e prospettive della flotta QR:
    Aerotime ha scritto:How is crisis changing Qatar Airways fleet?
    Qatar Airways, one of the “big three” of the Middle East, had a much more diverse fleet than its competitors Etihad Airways and Emirates. But that is going to change.

    Although some big makeovers were announced back in 2019, it is only natural that COVID-19 pandemic – which grounded much of air traffic worldwide – introduced some changes and accelerated others.

    Airbus A320 family
    Currently Qatar Airways wields two A319s, three A321-200s and 29 A320-200s. All of them belong to the previous generation (the “ceo”) and are some of the oldest aircraft in the carrier’s fleet. A third of them ‒ including two A319s, the smallest and the oldest airplanes in the airline's inventory ‒ are currently grounded.
    In 2019, Qatar Airways CEO Akbar Al Baker said that all current A320s were going to be phased out by 2024 and replaced with A321neo. 50 of those were ordered back in 2011, but the order sustained heavy changes through the years, with engines and versions being switched around.
    However, in June 2020, the airline said that it was delaying all orders at least until 2022 amidst the pandemic-induced budget crunch. Later the same month it was revealed that Qatar intended to retire their current single-aisle fleet within the same timeframe. Quite possibly, the neos will arrive just in time to replace them.

    Airbus A330
    Eighteen of these currently belong to Qatar Airways: six A330-200s and twelve A330-300s. All of them were set to be replaced with the new A350s and Boeing 787 Dreamliners by 2024, and most of them are currently grounded. There is a good chance they are amongst the airline’s planes not intended to return to active service, as all but freighters are in the process to be retired.

    Airbus A350
    Qatar Airways was the launch customer for the Airbus newest wide-body jet, and took pride in efficiency and luxury provided by it. As of late 2020, Qatar operated 52 aircraft of this type – 34 of them A350-900s and the rest – A350-1000s – taking delivery of the last batch of three in late October 2020.
    Although the A350 was amongst airliners Qatar wowed to stop acquiring as the pandemic struck, it appears the airline found good use for the efficient jet, as all but one aircraft of this type are active, according to data. Several A350s remain on order and Qatar might acquire them soon.

    Airbus A380
    Once the pride and joy of Qatar Airways, the world's largest airliner became a headache for the Middle Eastern carrier, just as for many other operators.
    Currently, all ten carrier’s superjumbos are grounded and would remain so for at least two years, according to Al Baker. It is likely they will never fly with the airline, as even before the pandemic their retirement was scheduled for 2024.

    Boeing 777
    Before the pandemic, the triple seven was the workhorse of the company, which operated a whopping 57 aircraft of this type: nine 777-200LRs and forty-eight 777-300ERs (including freighters).
    Almost all of them are currently active, but they are also quite old, some flying for the airline for over a decade. The only reason for that – the delays with the 777X.
    Qatar was one of the launch customers of the new and improved version, ordering fifty 777-8Xs in 2014, with a right to order fifty more. In 2016, ten larger 777-9Xs were added to the order.
    But the 777X program was delayed, with first deliveries being pushed back to 2022. The same year, Qatar plans to resume its post-pandemic purchasing. It is likely the older 777s will be flying until then despite wows to retire them.

    Boeing 787 Dreamliner
    The airline operates thirty 787-8s and seven long-range 787-9s. Most of them are active.
    Qatar started receiving long-range Dreamliners in 2019, just before the pandemic, and it took some time for them to be refurbished according to the carrier's needs. As a result, they were introduced amidst the lockdowns, for mixed passenger-cargo flights. But still, the efficient plane showed good results, with Al Baker himself admitting that the Dreamliner is the optimal plane for the circumstances. Although he previously said that deliveries would be frozen until 2022, it is possible that the airline will start receiving the rest of their 787-9 order soon.

    And what about Boeing 737 MAX?
    In 2016, Qatar signed a letter of intent to purchase 60 Boeing 737 MAX airplanes, later changed into an order of 30. Five of them were received before the disastrous crashes and a full stop on deliveries. In 2020, Qatar cancelled the order for the rest of the planes.
    But the cancelling had little to do with the troubled plane itself, as it was not intended for Qatar Airways fleet. Instead, they were supposed to be operated by its subsidiary Air Italy. With the Italian airline going bankrupt in early 2020, and Qatar withdrawing its investment, there was no hope for the 737 MAX order.

    Vi ricordo anche che QR potrebbe essere la prima a ritirare i 777-300ER, con una mossa che anticiperà i tempi. Il 350 invece a mani bassi. Da capire quando arriveranno i 777X e se si riveleranno un successo.


    Messaggi : 790
    Data d'iscrizione : 22.03.19

    Qatar Airways 2020 - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Qatar Airways 2020

    Messaggio Da malpensante 02.12.20 9:57

    Gli aerei migliori adesso sono quelli che, a parità di range, sono più piccoli. Ci vorrà parecchio tempo prima che i 777X siano di qualche utilità.

    Messaggi : 6204
    Data d'iscrizione : 02.03.19
    Località : Mediolanum

    Qatar Airways 2020 - Pagina 2 Empty Qatar Airways 2020

    Messaggio Da I-TIGI 29.12.20 14:15

    Ottime performances durante quest’anno da parte di Qatar Airways, non c’è che dire l’aver continuato ad operare una rete estesa sia per Cargo ma anche pax premierà.

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    Qatar Airways 2020 - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Qatar Airways 2020

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