Malpensa Insiders

News, analisi e anticipazioni su tutto quello che gira intorno a Milano Malpensa e all'aviazione civile in Italia

3 partecipanti

    Routes online: 2019 traffic results


    Messaggi : 6204
    Data d'iscrizione : 02.03.19
    Località : Mediolanum

    Routes online: 2019 traffic results Empty Routes online: 2019 traffic results

    Messaggio Da I-TIGI 17.01.20 18:29

    At Malpensa the year 2019 ends with excellent passenger traffic results: the traffic volume structurally amounted to 26.8 million passengers at Malpensa, with a net growth of 9.1% with respect to the previous year.

    At Malpensa the year 2019 ends with excellent passenger traffic results, also thanks to the closure of Milano Linate for runway maintenance and the consequent temporarily transfer of the flights to Malpensa: the airport has proved to be able to easily accommodate 28.7 million passengers.

    Net of the business transferred from Linate, the traffic volume structurally amounted to 26.8 million passengers at Malpensa, with a net growth of 9.1% with respect to the previous year. This is another record-breaking achievement that is part of a 54 consecutive months of growth in which our airport has increased traffic volumes by +40%.

    The year just ended led to an expansion of the flight offer by a total of 40 new services, 2 new airlines and 13 new destinations, including 2 major intercontinental flights to Los Angeles and San Francisco. Malpensa now boasts direct connectivity with 82 countries around the world served by non-stop scheduled flights. 2019 therefore marked a further increase in the quality of both customer portfolio and the network, with solid and structured growth in all the main reference markets: domestic (+19.6%), European (+5.8%) and intercontinental (+11.2%).

    The year 2020 is now opening up to difficult challenges but with positive prospects at the moment thanks to the planning of 10 new services, 4 new airlines and 7 new routes including 3 new intercontinental flights: Eva Air on Taipei, All Nippon on Tokyo and Gulf Air on Bahrain.

    In terms of cargo traffic, Malpensa closed 2019 with 545,000 tonnes, slightly down compared to 2018 (-2.4%).

    The result reflects the global air cargo trend characterized by a constant drop in demand both in imports and exports, a consequence of the global trade slowdown. In the last quarter, however, Malpensa showed signs of recovery, thanks in particular to the development of e-commerce, with performance above the Italian average, and of some major European airports.

    The main innovation for 2020 in the cargo sector will be the completion of DHL's new warehouse and the start of hub operations in the second half of the year.


    Messaggi : 3990
    Data d'iscrizione : 02.03.19
    Località : Catchment Area di MXP

    Routes online: 2019 traffic results Empty Re: Routes online: 2019 traffic results

    Messaggio Da FlyIce 17.01.20 19:53

    È una bel resoconto, di un anno che è davvero da incorniciare!
    Il Bridge è stato un successo ed è tramontato definitivamente l’astro di Linate: se ne può anche fare a meno per tre mesi.

    Sono decollati pure i biz jet e i parcel stanno mettendo le radici: lasciamo qualcosa anche per l’anno prossimo!

    Messaggi : 6204
    Data d'iscrizione : 02.03.19
    Località : Mediolanum

    Routes online: 2019 traffic results Empty Re: Routes online: 2019 traffic results

    Messaggio Da I-TIGI 17.01.20 20:13

    Proprio ieri ho avuto il piacere di avere a bordo a MXP su LZ-BON chi gestisce al top (era anche un noto forumista) chi gestisce in mezzo mondo private jet e relativi hangars, sono primo handler a Linate e Malpensa e mi confermava il boom di aviazione generale a MXP rispetto al pre bridge.
    Chiaramente il nuovo terminal Milano Prime e’ stata la cigliegina sulla torta per MXP dove tutti i clienti che prima volavano su LIN ora utilizzano anche ben volentieri MXP.
    Tra l’altro grazie ai 5 nuovi handler su MXP ed il nuovo terminal con servizi di lusso molti svizzeri sono sbarcati per la qualità dei servizi offerti ed in futuro sarà pure possibile fare transito airside senza uscire land side per connessioni via T1

    Messaggi : 432
    Data d'iscrizione : 22.03.19

    Routes online: 2019 traffic results Empty Re: Routes online: 2019 traffic results

    Messaggio Da Massi787 17.01.20 23:43

    Il transito senza uscire land side sarà il top!! Speriamo riescano ad ottenere l'autorizzazione in tempi umani :-)

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